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Aşağıda vermiş olduğum linklerde 2 adet birbirinden bağımsız "profil lispi mevcuttur". Açıklamaları ve nasıl kullanılacağına dair notları içindedir.
Not: Lispler alıntıdır. Tarafımdan denendi ve çalışıyorlar. Açıklama ingilizce: Use this tool to draw standard steel shapes in AutoCAD. This function was written for AutoCAD R14 for Windows, but should work in R12 and R13 AutoCAD as as well. 1) To use this or any AutoLISP file (*.lsp), you must first load the file. You can load this lisp file by typing at the command prompt: Command: (load "steel") Note: All files in the steel shapes zip file must reside in the AutoCAD search path. It is recommended that these files be stored in a separate directory named SS and that the SS directory be referenced in you AutoCAD search path. 2) Steel Shapes Command: Steel_Shapes Shortkey command: SS This command gives you access to steel shapes dialog box. 3) Select a Steel Shape There are three list boxes in the steel shapes dialog box. The left most list box shows the available steel shapes (W Shape, M Shape...Angles, etc.). After selecting a shape the middle list box will display available shape sizes (W36, W33...W12, etc). After selecting a size the right most list box will display a list of sub-sizes (W12x22...W12x14 etc). After final shape selection, that shape name will display at the top of the dialog box. As Current shape: W12x22 The Shape Data box to the right of the 3 shape list boxes is an informational listing about the currently selected shape. This will remain blank until a shape has been selected and the "Current shape:" label at the top-left contains a selected shape. If no current shape is displayed you will not be able to proceed by picking OK. If you pick OK without having a current shape, an error message will display above the OK, Cancel, About buttons reminding you to select a shape. 4) Visualization Mode The visualization mode radio buttons allow you to toggle between drawing steel shapes in 2d or 3d. By toggling Visualization mode to 3d disables the view mode radio buttons as well as Auto-Hatch mode. 3d Note: All shapes are normalized to the z axis. This means that all shapes draw long dimensions throught the z axis in a negative direction. For instance a W14x22 will draw it's web throught the z axis, a WT7x11 will draw it's stem through the z axis. A negative z direction is opposite the plan orientation. From a WCS if you wanted the stem of a WT to run positive through the z axis, then you'd have to rotate you usc 180 degrees. Example: Command: UCS Origin/ZAxis/3point/OBject/View/X/Y/Z/Prev/Restore/Save/Del/?/<World>:X Rotation angle about X axis <0>: 180 5) View Mode The view mode radio buttons allow you to select the type of view desired. Front Elevation Rear Elevation Top View Bottom Section Cross Section These views are standard to the steel industry. Cross sections of all shapes are always drawn using a single polyline. The other four views use individual line segments to facilitate editting. If a cross section must be editted, use the explode command to change the polyline to individual entities. 6) Input Mode The input mode radio buttons allow you to choose the way points are selected when drawing the shape. Top of Steel Bottom of Steel X Axis Y Axis The Top of Steel input mode allow you to draw the shape based on the top of steel, using top-bottom, left-right drawing practices. Top being at the top or left of drawing. The Bottom of Steel input mode allow you to draw the shape base on the bottom of steel, using top-bottom, left-right drawing practices. Bottom being at the bottom or right side of drawing. X Axis input allow you to draw the shape by selecting input points along the x axis. This axis is the x axis as stated in the AISC steel manual. This axis is not available to all views. For instance drawing a top view of a W shape, x axis is invalid input. Y Axis input allow you to draw the shape by selecting input points along the y axis. This axis is the y axis as stated in the AISC steel manual. This axis is not available to all views. For instance drawing a front elevation of a W shape, y axis is invalid input. Input mode radio buttons not valid will be disabled, and default input modes will be toggled along with a message displayed above the OK, Cancel, About buttons telling you that the default input mode has been changed. Center lines are drawn whenever the input mode is along or on an axis. 7) Draw Mode This mode control allows you to control the display of the shape when drawn. You can choose Real or Exaggerated dimensions. Real Mode allows you to use true dimensions for drawing the shape. Exaggerated allows you to draw the shape with some of the dimensions exaggerated for scaling purposes. There are certain scaling situations where the shapes drawn bleed together, such as drawing a W12x14 front elevation. The flange thickness is so small that at certain smaller plotting scales the lines representing the flange bleed together making the shape appear as though it has no flanges. Using the exaggerated draw mode, will draw the shape to represent this better. The exaggerated draw mode only changes the steel thickness values, not depth or width characteristics. The exaggerated thickness is 1/2 inch, and should be used wisely. Using the exaggered drawing mode should never be used as design criteria. This drawing mode is for display purposes only, and in some situations may distort the appearance of the shape. 8) Hatch Mode This mode control allows you to toggle on the cross hatching feature of Steel Shapes. Cross hatching is performed for the section views (Bottom Section or Cross Section). If hatching is not desired, pick the Hatch Mode Off radio button. 9) OK button Picking the OK button will then draw the selected shape and view of that shape. Some shapes may require additional input, such as dragging the outstanding leg of an angle or dragging the flange for a WT shape. Watch the command line prompting for desired input. When drawing a shape, you may continue to draw as many views of that shape as you desire, until a return is press at the command prompt for End point. You will see a prompt to draw that shape again, pick a point to continue drawing, or press return to stop. 10) Cancel Button The Cancel button closes the dialog box without doing anything. 11) About button: The ABOUT button at the bottom of the dialog box will display the version number of this command and email address for comments and/or suggestions. Flame mail and SPAM will will only end up in my recycle bin. 12) Included in STL_SV42.ZIP are two bitmap files for including the steel shapes lisp to an AutoCAD toolbar. Open your MNU file for editting and place the following line in the toolbar of your choice. ID_Steel_shapes [_Button("Draw Steel Shapes", STEEL_16, STEEL_14)]+ ^C^C^P(if(not c:ss)(progn(load "steel")(princ)));c:ss Add the following under the ***HELPSTRINGS portion of your menu: ID_Steel_shapes [Written by Design Point draws AISC Steel Shapes:: SS] 13) This is SHAREWARE. It is not intended for retail sales of any kind, if you paid for this function please notify me. This may be freely distributed Steel Shapes as long as the following 40 files are bundled together: a) STEEL.DOC b) STEEL.LSP c) STEEL.DCL d) STEEL_24.BMP, STEEL_16.BMP e) Supporting LSP Files: STL_DE0.LSP STL_DE1.LSP STL_DE2.LSP STL_DE3.LSP STL_DE4.LSP STL_DE5.LSP STL_DE6.LSP STL_DE7.LSP STL_DF0.LSP STL_DF1.LSP STL_DF2.LSP STL_DF3.LSP STL_DF4.LSP STL_DT0.LSP STL_DT1.LSP STL_3D0.LSP STL_3D1.LSP STL_3D2.LSP STL_3D3.LSP STL_3D4.LSP STL_3D5.LSP STL_3D6.LSP STL_3D7.LSP f) Supporting Steel Database Files: STL_SHP0.SHP STL_SHP1.SHP STL_SHP2.SHP STL_SHP3.SHP STL_SHP4.SHP STL_SHP5.SHP STL_SHP6.SHP STL_SHP7.SHP STL_SHP8.SHP STL_SHP9.SHP STL_SHP10.SHP STL_SHP11.SHP This program is SHAREWARE, that means this program is NOT FREE. If you're using this program in a commercial environment (which means you are using this program to make money), you need to pay for it. The cost of this program is $65.00, and should pay for itself with one use. I have not protected any of these files and this program has no nuisance screen reminding you to pay. I'm trusting you to respect my time and effort to provide you with a useful tool. PLEASE DON'T STIFF ME. Just pay the $65.00 and you won't feel guilty for not paying every time you use it. Send check or money order to: Luke Livermore CADProse 1982 South Logan Denver CO 80210-4028 If you send an email address along with your check I'll send any enhancements when they're made available. I seem to make improvement to this program a lot. So if you want updates all you need to do is participate. I will also give email support to those who have paid. Because this is SHAREWARE, there is no telephone support for this function. Even though lengths have been taken to ensure this function is bug free, in my experience, bugs only crop up after software has been made available for use. Respond to the email address in the about box to report any known bugs, and I'll do what I can if I think it's warranted. Please keep in mind that bug reports turned in by those who have not paid for this program will quite likely be ignored. If you don't want to pay for it don't complain if it's not working perfectly, after all you've gotten what you've paid for. * Reference to AutoCAD and AutoLISP are registered trade marks of Autodesk, Inc. ** Reference to AISC is the trade mark of the American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. admin (12.12.2017 21:53 GMT) |
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